液压升降平台自身的几大优势您知道吗?下面就有升降平台厂家的小编为客户朋友们解析一下。Do you know the advantages of hydraulic lifting platform? Here is a small lifting platform manufacturers for customers to analyze their friends.
1.升降平台厂家认为,液压升降平台在工作期间耐受能力好,抗拉强度高,运行平稳、噪音低、维修方便、使用寿命长。Lifting platform manufacturers believe that hydraulic lifting platform in the work of good endurance, high tensile strength, smooth operation, low noise, easy maintenance, long service life.
2.液压升降平台设置有手动应急下降装置,在停电时能够利用手动应急下降装置进行安全、快捷的降落。The utility model is characterized in that the hydraulic lifting platform is provided with a manual emergency lowering device, which can be used for safe and quick landing when the power failure occurs.
3.液压升降平台泵站、油缸、密封件都是采用国外原装进口的零部件,能够防止零部件漏油问题,从而理想的达到送货要求。Hydraulic lifting platform pump station, oil cylinder, seal parts are imported from foreign parts, to prevent leakage of parts, so as to achieve the ideal delivery requirements.
4.液压升降平台使用的液压油缸特种重型链条、重型板式链锁、钢丝绳、多重保护、防止任何一条因疲劳断裂而升降平台不会坠落,升降平台厂家认为这样能保证设备运行和使用安全。Hydraulic lifting platform using hydraulic cylinder special heavy chain, heavy plate chain, wire rope, multiple protection, to prevent any one because of fatigue fracture and the lifting platform will not fall, the lifting platform manufacturers that it can guarantee the safe operation and use of equipment.
5.液压升降平台设有双保险安全防护、各转动轴部位配有耐磨元件,确保设备运转灵活,从而确保人身设备安全。The hydraulic lifting platform is provided with a double safety protection, and each rotating shaft is provided with a wear resistant component to ensure the flexible operation of the equipment.
6.液压升降平台厂家可根据客户现场及使用环境要求可采用防爆电器,上下层门互动连锁,各楼层和升降平台均可设置造作按钮,实现多点控制,该液压平台适合于2-3层钢结构或混凝土厂房,室内外均可使用。Hydraulic lifting platform manufacturers according to the customer site and the use of environmental requirements by electrical explosion, the upper and lower door interlocking, each floor and lifting platform can be set or button, realize multi point control, the hydraulic platform for 2-3 layers of steel or concrete buildings, indoor and outdoor use.